
Courtesy of Max Hamburgerrestauranger  

麥當勞瑞典勁敵 膽敢叫客戶少吃肉


以小搏大最好的方法是做巨人不做的事,而這也是瑞典速食業者——麥斯漢堡(Max Hamburgers)連續八年打敗國際品牌麥當勞(McDonald's),穩坐瑞典最受歡迎寶座的原因。根據瑞典市調公司ISI Wissing評比,麥斯漢堡大贏麥當勞一倍以上,原因是大聲「呼籲客戶少吃肉」。






第二步,就是在2006年時裝設節能屋頂,並且使用風力發電,因此,全年能源的使用率大降了20%。隔年,麥斯漢堡聘請非營利環保組織自然程序(The Natural Step)為公司檢測體質,並且具體量化速食業影響全球氣候變遷的程度。






此外,麥斯漢堡更開食品業界之先例,2008年首創在菜單上加註每一項餐點的「二氧化碳排放量」,不僅引起包括《哈佛商業評論》(Harvard Business Review)、英國廣播公司(BBC)等國際媒體讚譽,消費者也立即給予正面的回應,估計來自於低碳菜單的營業額,上升了超過30%。


檢視成績單,麥斯漢堡的獲利率平均達11%至15%,大幅領先龍頭麥當勞的二%至五%;與2003年相比,獲利成長了五倍;而且2011年,市占率成長兩倍。對於這一切,執行長貝格佛斯(Richard Bergfors)歸因為:「永續經營政策,成了有史以來最賺錢的提議!」


永續經營為什麼能夠引起消費者正面回應?首先,全球媒體網絡傳立媒體(Mindshare)的調查報告直指,自2007年至2009年間,麥斯漢堡的客戶忠誠度成長了27%,因為它滿足了92%瑞典人民亟欲了解與食品相關的「綠色數字(green credentials)」的渴望。




暢銷書《綠色商機》(Green to Gold)的共同作者溫斯頓(Andrew Winston)指出:「品牌若定位在較高檔的利基市場,通常的確能取得較高利潤,但事實上麥斯漢堡的規模並不小,而且它祭出『棄大玩小』策略並未侵蝕利潤。」




Courtesy of Max Hamburgerrestauranger  

■一向以牛肉堡為主力商品的漢堡連鎖店,竟標示排碳量鼓勵顧客少吃肉以減少環境足跡,反倒替業者帶來錢潮商機,藉此躍為瑞典漢堡龍頭的Max Burgers,成了速食業發環保財的最佳例證。

 ■Max Burgers decided to do away with the kids'-meal boxes and the sales of

 kids' meals rose. The Sweden's No.1 burger chain had turned sustainability into a selling point.

 瑞典速食業者馬克斯漢堡(Max Burgers)2008年接獲2個孩子的媽的投訴信,要求速食店別再用盒子裝兒童餐,因為每次得將盒子丟進資源回收桶讓她很困擾。沒想到這個奇怪的要求業者居然照辦,以垃圾減量為由,旗下75家門市的兒童餐全面棄用盒子包裝,不但沒有顧客抱怨,兒童餐銷量還不減反增。



 綠色行動 商機驚人


 根據市調公司ISI Wissing針對250個速食品牌調查,馬克斯2008年大敗麥當勞,成為瑞典最受歡迎的漢堡連鎖店。



 環保企業 邁向全球

 打著綠色環保旗號而成功創造利潤的速食業者不單只有馬克斯。像美國墨西哥菜連鎖餐廳Chipotle,食材多取自當地且近半數豆子向有機農場採購,自2006年起營收暴增2倍至20億美元,現今有超過1,200家分店。標榜選用沒有注射賀爾蒙和抗生素肉品的紐奧良披薩連鎖店Naked Pizza,已著手全球展店計畫,目標從目前的24家擴展為500家。



 馬克斯漢堡主管環保策略的拉夏恩斯(Par Larshans)指出,「2008年我們提出標示排碳量的構想時,很擔心被其他同業捷足先登。」但4年過去了,追隨馬克斯的業者並不多,他說,「我不明白為什麼沒有更多地方跟進,對我們來說這非常有利於生意。」

  • 2012-04-22 00:45
  • 工商時報
  • 【吳慧珍】

In late 2008, a fast-food burger restaurant in Sweden received an odd complaint letter. It was from a mother of two, asking the chain to get rid of the boxes that its kids' meals were packaged in. Her children only wanted the fries and toys, she said, and she was annoyed at having to throw the boxes straight into the recycling bin. It was an unusual request with an unusual outcome. Max Burgers — Sweden's No. 1 burger chain — decided to do away with the kids'-meal boxes in all of its 75 restaurants, explaining to customers that it was reducing waste. No one complained. In fact, sales of kids' meals rose. The company had turned sustainability into a selling point.

Max didn't just get rid of its kids'-meal boxes, though. Since 2006, the chain has reassessed its entire enterprise, searching for ways to reduce its environmental footprint. It has installed energy-efficient grass roofs on 12 new restaurants and cut energy consumption by 20% company-wide. The chain buys only wind power and offsets all its carbon emissions by planting trees in Uganda. And in 2008, Max started putting CO2 labels on its menus, quantifying exactly how much carbon dioxide, from field to fryer, is emitted in making each dish. "One of the problems being a burger business is, of course, the beef," says Max's chief sustainability officer, Par Larshans, noting that the meat industry is responsible for about 18% of global greenhouse-gas emissions. By showing that its Grand de Luxe Cheese 'n' Bacon beef burger produced five times more carbon dioxide than its vegetarian burger and six times more than its fish sandwich, Max hoped to nudge customers toward a more sustainable choice.

(SPECIAL: Heroes of the Environment)

It worked. Customers started eating more nonbeef burgers, causing sales of the low-carbon alternatives to jump by 16%. Meanwhile, Max began eating up the competition. From 2005 to '11, the chain opened 45 new restaurants and more than doubled its market share in Sweden. In 2008 — the year it put its carbon labels on menus — Max became Sweden's most popular burger chain, according to a survey of 250 brands carried out by the market-research firm ISI Wissing, trouncing McDonald's despite the fact the American chain has three times as many restaurants in the country. With a 16% operating profit, Max has also become the most profitable burger franchise in Sweden. And after opening its first franchise in Norway last year, it's eyeing expansion across Europe.

So how did the company do it? For one thing, the green initiatives seemed to boost customer loyalty, which increased by 27% from 2007 to '09, according to a survey by the global media network Mindshare. But the real key was drawing in new customers. Vegetarians who might never have set foot in a fast-food restaurant now drop into Max for its veggie Greenburgare, bean salad and a Lyxshake Jordgubb (strawberry milk shake).

Max Burgers isn't alone — fast-food chains elsewhere have also started burnishing their green credentials in recent years, with positive sales results. In the U.S., the Mexican-food chain Chipotle — which sources many of its ingredients locally and buys nearly half its beans from organic farms — has tripled its revenues since 2006 to $2 billion and now has more than 1,200 stores. Naked Pizza, which launched in 2009 in New Orleans and serves pies topped with hormone- and antibiotic-free meats, has plans to expand to 500 stores worldwide from its current 24. And in 2010, a vegetarian chain called Otarian launched in New York City and London with menus showing the amount of carbon dioxide emitted while making each food item (1.37 kg for a mushroom-quinoa burger) as well as the amount emitted by the typical fast-food equivalent (2.96 kg for a beef burger). Customers can store up the difference on a "Carbon Karma" card and redeem it for a free menu item of their choice.

Read more:,8599,2111372,00.html#ixzz1wqE4HLvs







【2012/04/22 聯合晚報】


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