

UNIT 01 人文
1. 印象派大師—莫內  Claude Monet
2. 青年志工與慈善組織  Give Till it Hurts
3. 越傳越離譜的都市傳奇  Urban Legends: Fact or Fantacy
4. 德州撲克牌天才  Terry Fan, Poker Prodigy

UNIT 02  時事
1. 美國陪審團制度  The American Jury System
2. 如合提高信用評比  Raising Your Credit Score
3. 世界大型博覽會  A World of Fairs
4. 少林CEO   Shaolin Temple
5. 人力資源  Human Resouces
6. 用創意改變世界的  Facebook/Akhan Academy  青年創意家  The Power of Ideas

UNIT 03  科技
1. 3D科技  A World in 3D
2. 雞生蛋不是蛋生雞  Which Came First, the Chicken or the Egg?
3. 夢   Beyond Your Wildest Dreams
4. 電子書  E-books are Coming!

UNIT 04  歷史
1. 嬉皮文化與  Woodstock The Rise and Fall of the Hippie Movement
2. 歐洲最後一個流浪民族—吉普賽人與佛朗明哥  Europe’s Last Nomads
3. 希臘羅馬諸神傳說  Greek Mythology 101

UNIT 05 藝術
1. 酷玩  LOMO 攝影  Niche Photography
2. 刺青  Tattoos—Rebellion Goes Mainstream
3. 創意隨意玩—獨立設計  Indie Design
4. 西洋圖騰—符號的祕密  Secrets of Symbols

UNIT 06  環保
1. 糧食危機  Crisis Averted
2. 綠建築  Green Architecture
3. 無冰的世界  Ice, Ice, Baby

UNIT 07  消費
1. 米奇林餐廳評鑑  MICHELIN—The Last Word on Fine Dining
2. 大學生的派對文化  Party in the U.S.A.—College Style!
3. 美容整型新風潮  A New Wave of Cosmetic Procedures

UNIT 08  流行
1. 打工度假  Working Holiday
2. 快閃族  Flash Mobs
3. 超完美牛仔褲  The Perfect Pair of Jeans
4. 美國青少年潮流  What’s in with American Teens?
5. 美國青少年潮服 Hip and Chic
6 . 50大最糟設計 The 50 Worst Inventions

UNIT 09  體育
1. 極限運動  The X Games, Your Ticket to Thrills!
2. 啦啦隊  Bring on Some Cheer!
3. 跑酷當道  Parkou Goes Mainstream
4. 三項全能運動  Triathlon
5. 台灣體育之光  Taiwan’s Rising Stars

UNIT 10 醫療
1. 人體進化死角  Evolutionary Dead Ends—Tonsils and Other Useless Body Parts
2. 心智鍛鍊  Mental Workout
3. 阿茲海默症療法新研究  Alzheimer’s Disease of Mice and Memories
4. 醫療照護  Nursing Job Opportunities Abound
5. 瑜珈教練  Yoga, a Flexible Career Choice


英語通 Language Guide
Greek mythology(希臘神話)最早是透過口述傳播,先民的傳說內容不外乎是透過故事闡述自然現象(開天闢地、四季的形成)、人生的奧祕(生與死、財富、智慧)。直到西元前 7 世紀才開始出現以文字編寫神話的作家。希臘神話相關著作當中,最有名的要算是將神話穿插於戰爭故事中的荷馬 (Homer) 史詩(一開始也是透過口述,西元前 8 世紀才文字化);另一則是西元 1 世紀羅馬作家奧維德(Ovid)的《變形記》(Metamorphoses),他的故事特色在於會用人物變形來反映角色的心理變化,影響後世作家與藝術家的創作甚深。

 In Greek 1)mythology, just as in the Bible, in the beginning there was nothing. From this 2)void came Gaia, Goddess of the Earth. Without any male assistance, Gaia gave birth to Uranus, God of the Sky. Uranus became Gaia’s mate (there were no 3)incest laws back then), and the couple gave birth to six sets of twins called the Titans. As if 12 kids weren’t enough, the Titans were followed by three Cyclopes and three Hecatonchires, monsters with 50 heads and 100 hands. Uranus hated the Cyclopes and Hecatonchires, so he imprisoned them in Tartarus, a cave deep in the earth. Gaia, 4)understandably, wasn’t too happy about that, and she convinced Cronus, the youngest Titan, to 5)castrate his father with a 6)sickle.
中譯 Translation
在希臘神話中(和《聖經》裡的記載一樣),世界的起源是一片虛無。混沌之中出現了大地女神蓋亞。在沒有任何男性的協助下,蓋亞生出天空之神烏拉努斯。烏拉努斯成了蓋亞的伴侶(當時沒有禁止亂倫的律法),兩人生了6 對雙胞胎,名為泰坦。彷彿 12 個孩子還不夠似的,他們接著又生了3 個獨眼巨人賽克羅普斯和 3 個有 50 個頭、100 隻手的巨怪赫克頓蓋爾。烏拉努斯憎惡獨眼巨人和赫克頓蓋爾,因此將他們監禁在地底深淵塔特魯斯。可想而知,蓋亞對此不太高興,於是她說服克羅努斯(年紀最小的泰坦)拿鐮刀將父親去勢。

英檢字彙 Vocabulary Bank
1) mythology (n.) 神話,神話學
Indian mythology is full of fantastic characters.
2) void (n.) 混沌空無,天空,空間
In many myths, the universe was created out of the void.
3) incest (n.) 亂倫,近親通婚
The young girl is a victim of incest.
4) understandably (adv.) 可理解地,合理地
(a.) understandable 可理解的,合理的
Voters are understandably angry about rising taxes.
5) castrate (v.) 閹割;割除卵巢
The farmer castrated the calves.
6) sickle (n.) 鐮刀
In ancient times, farmers used sickles to harvest their crops.


With his father out of the picture, Cronus became ruler and married his twin sister Rhea (yes, 1)inbreeding is a popular theme in Greek mythology). The two had six children: Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades, Poseidon and Zeus. Because of a 2)prophecy that one of his children would 3)overthrow him, Cronus swallowed each of them as they were born. Disappointed by her husband’s poor 4)parenting skills, Rhea decided to 1.change tack with her sixth child, Zeus. Instead of handing Cronus the child, she gave him a rock wrapped in a blanket. Cronus swallowed it, believing it was the baby. Rhea then 5)smuggled Zeus to the island of Crete to be raised by 6)nymphs. Little did she know, he would one day become King of the Gods.
中譯 Translation
父親已經不在,於是克羅努斯成為統治者,娶了雙胞胎妹妹蕾亞為妻(是的,近親交配是希臘神話一個普遍的主題)。兩人生了 6 個孩子:海絲蒂亞、笛美特、希拉、黑帝斯、波塞頓和宙斯。由於有預言說其中一個子女會推翻他,每個孩子一出生,克羅努斯就把他們吞下肚。因為對丈夫欠佳的養育方式感到失望,蕾亞在第 6 個孩子宙斯出生時決定改弦易轍。她沒把宙斯交給克羅努斯,而是給他一塊包裹著毛毯的石頭。克羅努斯不疑有它,把石頭吞了下去。然後蕾亞將宙斯偷偷送往克里特島,由仙女撫養。當時她並不知道,宙斯日後會成為眾神之王。

英檢字彙 Vocabulary Bank
1) inbreeding (n.) 近親繁殖,同系交配 (v.) inbreed
The different breeds of dogs are a result of inbreeding.
2) prophecy (n.) 預言
According to a Mayan prophecy, the world will end in 2012.
3) overthrow (v.) 推翻,打倒
The army is plotting to overthrow the government.
4) parenting (n.) 養兒育女,親職。parenting skills 即「為人父母的能力」
The young couple is taking a parenting class.
5) smuggle (v.) 走私,偷帶
Around 30 tons of heroin is smuggled into the U.K. each year.
6) nymph (n.)(希臘、羅馬神話)山林水澤間的仙女
The ancient Greeks believed that nymphs lived in forests and rivers.
EZ 好用句型 Tongue-tied No More
1.change tack改弦易轍
tack 是指「做事的方法、步驟」。當你發現一件事做了半天都在白忙,就是該 change tack 的時候了。也可以說 try a different/new tack。
A: I go to the gym five times a week, but I’m still not losing any weight.
我一星期去健身房 5 次,但還是一兩肉也沒少。
B: Maybe it’s time to change tack. How about going on a diet?


Gaia advised Zeus to free the Cyclopes and Hecatonchires and persuade them to join his side. The mission was a success, and out of 1)gratitude, the Cyclopes gave lightning and thunder to Zeus, a 2)trident to Poseidon and a helmet of 3)invisibility to Hades. With the help of these advanced weapons, and 4)boulders thrown by the Hecatonchires, the Olympians were finally able to win the war. The 5)defeated Titans were locked up in Tartarus, but Atlas, as their leader, was condemned to hold up the sky for eternity. Now that the war was over, it was time to divide the 6)spoils. Zeus, as King of the Gods, became ruler of the heavens, Poseidon was given the seas, and Hades became King of the Underworld.
(節錄自EZ Talk 美語會話誌,完整內容請見11月號)
中譯 Translation

Vocabulary Bank
1) gratitude (n.) 感恩,感激之意
We gave Kim a present to express our gratitude for her help.
2) trident (n.) 三叉戟,三齒魚叉
Poseidon created earthquakes with his trident.
3) invisibility (n.) 無形
(a.) invisible 無形的,看不見的
Ninjas are said to have the power of invisibility.
4) boulder (n.) 巨石,大圓石
The road was blocked by a large boulder.
5) defeat (v./n.) 戰勝,擊敗
The Americans defeated the Japanese in World War II.
6) spoil (n.)(常用複數)戰利品,贓物
The spoils of war go to the victor.

英語通 Language Guide
Greek 希臘 Roman 羅馬 職掌
Hermes Mercury 眾神的信差
Hephaestus Vulcan 火神;鐵工之神
Athena Minerva 智慧女神;戰爭女神
Aphrodite Venus 愛神;美麗女神
Apollo Phoebus Apollo
Artemis Diana 狩獵女神;月神;貞潔女神;主司動物及生育
Eros Cupid 愛神
Hebe Juventas 青春女神


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